Keep your precious fur babies safe with an outdoor cat enclosure supplied and installed by your local Adelaide Jim’s expert. We are now offering cat enclosures and catios to customers in Adelaide and surrounding suburbs.
Our techs servicing the area are experienced, fully trained, and insured and can provide you with the ideal catio for your home. You can trust the Jim’s name to help you keep your cats safe.
If you need to get in touch with us about cat enclosures or cat netting, simply call 131 546 and our friendly staff will take your details.
We all know that cats love to venture outside, spy, and potentially pounce on bugs, birds, and other small wildlife. It’s simply in their nature.
They often think that it is their job to be the food provider for their owners. Cats are quite proud of their achievements and are only too willing to show their captures.
Unfortunately, most cats will never get this stimulation if they are indoor pets, stuck inside without any outside exposure. Unfortunately, it is too unsafe these days to allow your cat to roam around. In fact, in some council areas, it is an offence.
This is where Jim’s can now help to relieve their boredom, as well as improve their safety.
If you’re in Adelaide, call now and we’ll work with you to create a custom enclosure for your cat.

Commercial grade outdoor cat enclosure products
Pet owners are now ringing Jim’s as they know that we can professionally install outdoor cat enclosures using soft netting.
As a matter of fact, Jim’s has been using bird proofing products for years in the commercial sector. We now see the opportunity to provide a safe area for cats and other pets using the very same products.
Adapting commercial soft bird netting is an easy way to enclose a yard, balcony or the side of a house. And, because the product is black in colour, it does not detract from your normal views. Cats love it as well because they can climb high, and the soft netting will not harm them.
Keeping your pets safe
Jim’s loves to keep your pets safe (as well as native wildlife) and have found that the best way to do this is to net areas. This provides a unique space where cats and other pets can play outside safely.
Owners don’t have to worry that their fur babies will jump the fence and disappear. They feel safe in the knowledge that their pets can‘t escape a custom made Jim’s outdoor cat enclosure.
Balcony cat enclosures keep pets safe
These days many Adelaide residents live in apartment buildings. These apartments often allow pets like cats and dogs, but owners are often fearful about allowing their pets onto balconies as one slip can be catastrophic.
In these high rise situations, Jim’s can provide a permanent or semi-permanent (ideal for renters) solution. Please note that you may need permission from the building owner or strata manager to install the soft netting.
Reducing the impact on native animals and birds
Have you ever had your precious fur baby bring you an offering such as a dead bird?
Cat enclosures, if installed correctly by a pro, will keep most birds and other animals out. This is not only a great win for owners who are often horrified by what their pets catch, but an even better win for native species.
With and area of your yard being enclosed, it means that your cat receives the stimulation of stalking and hunting birds, without the downside of actually catching or killing them. The soft netting we use provides a safe barrier between them and their prey.
Catio FAQs
Is it cruel to keep cats inside? To keep a domesticated cat inside is not cruel as they have often been brought up living inside a home. They don’t know any better and if they every wander outside they can become quite frightened, which may cause them to run away. How do you make an outdoor cat enclosure? There are many ways of making an outdoor cat enclosure. The easiest way is to purchase a bird Avery from your local hardware store. Alternatively, you can purchase a small shed and securely attach wire. The disadvantage of these systems is that you must put the cat out in the morning and bring it back in a night. While you are transferring them, they may jump out of your hands. Will cats run away if you let them outside? Cats tend not run away if the get outside unless they become scared and then they may bolt. If the kitty has been raised outside, then they will be used to the outside environment and be happy to be outside. You will need to check with your local council to see if there are any rules and regulations in regards to your cat being outside. How big should a cat enclosure be? A cat enclosure can be as big or as small as you like. The minimum size would be about the size of a 6 by 6 shed. This gives the cat enough room to stay outside safely and observe the world. Kitty’s do love to explore so you can go to the extent of enclosing the side of a house or the whole back yard with professional soft netting. Cats just love this when owners enclose their yards. Do cats need to go outside to be happy? Cats do not need to go outside to be happy. They are a domestic animals and love spending time inside if you provide them with enrichment toys. You can buy cat trees, fluffy toys, feathers, food enrichment devises to keep you kitty occupied. But saying that they will also enjoy new boxes and bags. You will know when they are happy as they will be out and about exploring and will end up in some precarious positions. How do you cat proof a balcony? It is quite easy to cat proof a balcony as it consists of a frame attached to the walls and roof and soft netting. As you are working at height you will need a working at heights permit and a safety harness. It can be quite dangerous as you are working on the edge of the balcony. You will need to check with the body corporate and landlord to get their permission as well. Is it cruel to keep a cat in one room? It is cruel to keep a cat in one room for any long period of time. Cats naturally like to explore their surroundings and love finding hiding spaces. The exception to this is if they have access to a cat enclosure attached to the room, which they can freely access. A cat door is recommended as well to keep other pests outside. How much does it cost to build a Catio? The cost of a catio will depend on what you need done. The cheapest would be enclosing a balcony which would start at around $500. Enclosing a Patio or side of a house ranges between $1000-$2000 on average. The gold standard in cat enclosures is netting the whole back yard, which keep kitties in and birds out. Cats just love these types of catios.