Jim’s technicians are your local end of lease pest control experts. Our techs servicing Adelaide, and the greater South Australia area, are experienced, fully trained, and insured. You can trust the Jim’s name to help you with any pest problem.
To get in touch with us simply call 131 546 and our friendly staff will take your details.
End of lease treatments is one of those requirements that is becoming more common in Adelaide. It was previously done when a renter could keep pets on the property.
These treatments are typically targeting fleas and making sure there are no pests present for the next occupant.
In the eastern states these treatments are mandatory. Even if you do not have a pet, you are still required to get an end of lease treatment done.
Rental bonds are often held back until the renter can produce the appropriate paperwork from a license pest control technician.
End of lease pest control – who can do it?
While most people think they can get anyone to do an end of lease treatment, there are certain criteria that must be met.
Only a person who possesses a current pest control license in Adelaide can perform this service. While many cleaners can claim to do the service, unless they are fully licensed and insured, they cannot.
Jim’s Pest Control recommend that you ask to see the technicians license before engaging their services.
If you do not, when paperwork is presented from someone who is not licensed, the landlord can ask for the treatment to be done again. Even worse they may decide to go with their own provider and take the cost out of the bond.

How long should a treatment take?
End of lease pest control treatments are quickly performed. In Adelaide the main area that is treated is the floor areas.
Fleas typically live on the ground. Once all furniture is removed then there are no obstacles in the way.
If your pet has been outside, you may be required to get the yard treated. It is important to let the technician know where you pet has been.
Do I have to be there for the end of lease pest treatment?
Obviously, you will need someone of opening the door for the technician. Often clients will meet our techs on site and open for them. Our techs are then quite happy to lock the door when they are finished.
Once the treatment has been completed you will need to remain outside until the treatment has dried. This typically takes around 1 hour, depending on weather conditions.
What pests does it cover?
In South Australia and end of lease treatment typically covers only fleas. In the case of an infestation of fleas it may require two treatments to get them under control.
If you have cockroaches or rats this will not be covered by this treatment. You will need to have a more specialised treatment to deal with these pests.
It is important to let your technician know what pests you have, and what you need treated.
Jim’s Pest Control Adelaide are the experts that locals trust with their end of lease treatments.