The problem of mice in roof cavities, lofts, and attics needs the expertise of a local Jim’s mice exterminator to solve. Our pest control techs servicing Adelaide and South Australia are experienced, fully trained, and insured. You can trust the Jim’s name to help you with any pest problem.
Get in touch with us now about any mouse or other rodent problem. Simply call 131 546 and our friendly staff will take your details.
There is nothing more annoying than hearing chewing and squealing noises coming from the ceiling in the early hours on the morning. It is a good indication that mice have moved in above you.
Many exhausted homeowners resort to chucking rodent baits in their roof. Often, this has little effect because you have to have an understanding of mouse habits to be successful in any treatment.
Your local Jim’s Pest Control tech certainly understands their behaviour. For instance, they know that the little rodents will only frequent a small area, usually around a couple of meters square. Also, unless you place the baits right under their noses, you are not likely to have any success. This experience and knowledge is why Jim’s can get mouse problems under control quickly.
Mice in roof cavities are difficult to treat
Placing rodent baits around a manhole, rarely works. Mice are scaredy cats and will not venture much past their comfort zone. For this reason, they can be difficult to treat. Often our technicians will need to crawl through the roof void to access them, and this can be challenging in some roofs.
Mice will access the outside by climbing down walls or pipes. In some instances, they will even climb down gas lines to access your kitchen. If you can find where they are searching for food, then place a lockable bait station there, that will have some success.
You should only use lockable bait stations outside to ensure children and pets can not access the baits. Our local technicians only use commercial grade stations to ensure you, your family, and your pet’s safety.

Jim’s success by using yummy mouse baits
Everybody’s taste buds are different. We all know that special food for which we would walk over hot coals to get to. Well, the same can be said about mice.
In times of plague they will eat almost anything. However, if they have access to your kitchen pantry, they are unlikely to eat a bait that does not tickle their taste buds.
At Jim’s, we use only the latest, most palatable baits. The main base ingredients can vary widely, and baits now may consist of pasta, grains, cereals and even chocolate. Yes, chocolate! You know, for that fussy rodent?
This provides our local techs with a wide range of products. It ensures we will have a bait that no mouse or rat can resist. We are extraordinarily successful and getting these rodents under control quickly.
Successful baits shared
A huge advantage our technicians have over the rest of the field is the sharing of knowledge. Jim’s have hundreds of techs across Australia, all using baits in different situations and environments.
In regular meetings we hold, the success of these baits is shared. It enables us to be able to deal with any mice or rat problem you have, extremely quickly and efficiently. We are the go-to experts that Adelaide locals trust to solve the mice problems.